Weave gift cards into your apparel business

Would you like your fashion or apparel business to be more successful? Add gift cards to your product mix. BHN is experienced in gift cards, retail and driving business success. Find out what we can do for you.

gift cards for apparel business

Additional revenue

A robust gift card program can increase your annual revenue by 3% or more. Plus, when they use their gift cards, shoppers typically spend more than the gift card’s value.1 It’s a very fashionable win-win.

additional revenue using gift cards


Gift cards bring your brand closer to your customers, both current and potential. Your regulars will buy gift cards as gifts, which will then bring in new shoppers. These repeat visits drive loyalty, satisfaction and sales.

earn loyalty using gift cards

Promotional capabilities

The popularity of gift cards makes them the perfect promotional vehicle. When you run a Buy One Get One promotion, for example, you drive sales, engagement and satisfaction. And if you don’t run gift card promotions, you’re leaving money on the table.2

promotions using gift cards


The industry-leading BHN Digital Gifting platform is easy to implement and easy to customize. We can build it with your colors, your fonts and your logo to blend in perfectly on your website. And your customers can easily order from any device.

Industry experts

We speak from experience. The gift card programs of our retail partners typically bring in an additional 2–5% of their company’s total annual revenue.3

  • Grocery, C-Store and Fuel: 0.5–1.5%
  • Travel & Entertainment: 1–2%
  • Big Box Retailers: 1–2.5%

expertize for gift card programs