Apr 09, 2021

Infographic: Rewards Fuel Successful Promotions

Power of Reward-based Promotions

Offering a reward as part of your promotional strategy can elevate your success rate like no other.

According to our research, rewards perform better than discounts, coupons or special offers. You already know how a successful promotion can drive revenue and engagement across your organisation, so why wouldn’t you boost your results further using a rewards-based tactic that is proven to work?

Check out our infographic, a quick read that is packed with ideas for how you can easily use rewards to power your next promotion. Just use the form to your right to request the download.


For further insight on how to integrate rewards into promotions throughout the customer lifecycle, many of which are used successfully by our clients, you can also download our Power of Rewards eBook


We’d love to chat through how you currently run your promotional calendar. Feel free to get in touch with one of our team via our contact us form or call 0207 419 8191 today.